
Friday, June 09, 2006

Press Conference To Convince Gov to go into Special Veto Session

Today I went to a press conference with Leaders in Missouri to convince governor Blunt to go into special veto session to Restore Medicaid insurance to disabled indiviguals who want to go back into the workforce.

Below is the text to the letter I sent to the governor.

Governor Blunt

Sir my name is Charles P. Marks Jr. I'm a disabled Missourian who would very much like to return to work, but with the present state of conditions I'm unable to. I have several major conditions that require consistent medical care and without insurance it is impractical for me to attempt to return to the workforce. But without the state of Missouri helping in guaranteed health insurance, I can not return to the workforce as a taxpayer. Please reconsider the reinstatement of the M.A.U.D. program, as well as other incentives for People With Disabilities to return to work.

Please take these facts into consideration.
1. People With Disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States.
2. We are the only minority any American can join in a heartbeat, literally.
3. People With Disabilities are the hardest working segment in the workforce, when they can.
4. People With Disabilities while unorganized at the moment can and will do everything legally possible to remove any Politician from office who moves against our rights.

Just remember this Sir you or any member of your family could have an accident, stroke or other illness that could make you a Person With A Disability and you would not like to have some Politician decide you don't matter because you have a disability. It is not right for you to do so or any other member of your party to make these type of descions, without taking the facts into consideration. Please remember this also Sir You don't have a RIGHT to deny these services, you have a RESPONSIBILLITY to protect the welfare of the citizens of the state of Missouri.

Thank You


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