
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I've won another battle but the war is still drags on

Well after a couple years of dealing with The Habitat Companies ignorance and bigotry to wards those residents with disabilities, I have won another battle with them. I finally got 4 space's set aside for 4 residents in wheelchairs. But as soon as that was done they handed out 5 permits to park in those 4 space's. What doesn't the math just boggle you and or it too high of a grade level for you you cipher. I had initially given in allowing just the 4 spaces and not getting an assigned space as I had asked for in the first place. Well on top of management some of the residents have also shown their complete disregard for those using wheelchairs and have started using those spaces and or parking in the loading area blocking wheelchairs from reaching their vehicles. Well lets put it this way I want to jut sell my vehicle and say to hell with driving. It would save me lots of money going out to insurance, taxes and GAS+STRESS. I addressed this to legal with SLHA and if I'm right keeping me from enjoying the use of my dwelling and its common space. Like I said it's another battle in the war on ignorance and yes there is a long way to go, still!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Press Conference To Convince Gov to go into Special Veto Session

Today I went to a press conference with Leaders in Missouri to convince governor Blunt to go into special veto session to Restore Medicaid insurance to disabled indiviguals who want to go back into the workforce.

Below is the text to the letter I sent to the governor.

Governor Blunt

Sir my name is Charles P. Marks Jr. I'm a disabled Missourian who would very much like to return to work, but with the present state of conditions I'm unable to. I have several major conditions that require consistent medical care and without insurance it is impractical for me to attempt to return to the workforce. But without the state of Missouri helping in guaranteed health insurance, I can not return to the workforce as a taxpayer. Please reconsider the reinstatement of the M.A.U.D. program, as well as other incentives for People With Disabilities to return to work.

Please take these facts into consideration.
1. People With Disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States.
2. We are the only minority any American can join in a heartbeat, literally.
3. People With Disabilities are the hardest working segment in the workforce, when they can.
4. People With Disabilities while unorganized at the moment can and will do everything legally possible to remove any Politician from office who moves against our rights.

Just remember this Sir you or any member of your family could have an accident, stroke or other illness that could make you a Person With A Disability and you would not like to have some Politician decide you don't matter because you have a disability. It is not right for you to do so or any other member of your party to make these type of descions, without taking the facts into consideration. Please remember this also Sir You don't have a RIGHT to deny these services, you have a RESPONSIBILLITY to protect the welfare of the citizens of the state of Missouri.

Thank You

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Here You Go, I Didn't Forget

How's This!!!!

Smile, Enjoy & Live

St. Louis Variety The Children's Charity Parade & Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday I had the honor to photograph The St. Louis
Variety The Children's Charity
Parade & Easter Egg Hunt. The children who the Variety Club assist may get their first bike or help with getting lifts in their parents vehicles so they can easily get about. These children have a spirit for life that warms the coldest of hearts. One young boy I photographed at first had a sad look on his face until the Easter Bunny came over to him. This young boy lit up like a thousand suns.
He even got to play ball with the Easter Bunny which was magical to watch. Thank you St. Louis Variety Club for you support of these very special children as well as those who donate their Time, Love and Money to help the children.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Blunt Runs From Those Who Can't

I had the opportunity to go to Jefferson City with Paraquad for Disability Rights Legislative Day.
Where we worked to convince our Senators and Representatives that the laws they have been passing serverly impact the lives of those of us who have Disabilities. We were working to stop legislation such Photo Id to vote, which has already been found to be Uncontitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court and TABOR which would place a constitutional addmendmet on the ballot to cap spending in the state govornment of Missouri.
Also we were working to bring back a Medicaid Buy in for Workers with Disabilities. Which would provide insurance coverage to those who can't get insurace through normal channels because we have prexistion medical conditions. Also issues like Non-Medical Eligible Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services And Durable Medical Equipment which are of extreme importance to those with disabilities.
The one thing that struck me the most was Gov Matt Blunt fled the state on this day and was on the other side of the planet for some reason or another. I personally belive he is politcaly affaid of people with Disabilities and does not represent us as govornor. Last year he and his posie of bodygaurds literaly ran away in the halls of the capital from disabled constituants who wanted to address him. This is not right as he has no rights to run from us and has the responsibility to serve as our Head Representaive for the state of Missouri.
Overall it was a picture perfect day and I hope we have got our point accross to our state govornment. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Habitat Company Refuse's to make Reasonable Accommodation

I have just spoke with the Vice President of The Habitat Company which is based out of Chicago Mrs Tompkins after all this time with no response. I was able to corner her during an inspection. She bluntly told me "We are not going to assign you a parking space." I have the papers from the A.C.L.U. to fill out and file with them, and will also be filling a complaint with HUD in D.C.
My other complaint is that Mrs Tompkins at the first resident meeting that I attended told the residents "That since this was an elderly building before. They are concerned with the needs of the elderly and will take care of them before the OTHER PEOPLE well I'm one of the other people a disabled resident who has the same rights to enjoy his residence, and accommodations. Which at this time I am unable to fully do.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Habitat Company & St. Louis Housing Authority Still Unresponsive to Disabled Needs

As in the prior write up the situation has yet to be resolved. I spoke to the office of the Assistant Director of The St. Louis Housing authority on the day I posted the original article. As of today not a thing has been done or have I even received a response back from the Housing authority.

When I came home last night there were no accessible spaces available for me to park my vehicle. While at least one of the vehicle parked lacked the proper credentials to be using an accessible space. Security in our building could not patrol the lot to assist me because of cuts in funding, I don't blame them they are here for our safety and need to stay at the front desk.
I had to park in the furthest space available on our lot and could have fallen and no one would of been able to see me accept for incoming vehicles or maybe someone from the street, this is unacceptable.

I am posting 4 images showing where I had to park, and the distance from the entrance that I had to cope with. The red pickup in the corner of the lot is mine.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Thank You Overland P.D.

I never thought I would do this but you know what they say about that. Thank you Overland Police Department. The other day while parking and unloading my wheel chair at Home Depot. Two men in a Red Z something pulled up in and used a placard, to park in an accessible space. Well out came two strapping contraction workers who then walked rather healthfully into the store. I mentioned this to the greater and did my business. While going out to my truck a Overland Police Officer who was out on patrol was driving up. I pointed out the discrepancy and asked if she could validate their placard. Well she pulled over and waited and I went on my way. Well my brother was at the same store right about this time and told me today that there were three officers there talking to these men when he came out of the store. It about time that this is enforced heck it could even be one big money maker for any city who took a zero tolerance to this type of offence.